Toll Bar with Prescot

United Reformed Church

Freckleton Road, St Helens, WA10 3AR


We invite everyone to our Sunday morning service at 10.30am where you will be made very welcome by our friendly congregation. Do stay for refreshments and a chat afterwards! 

Our Communion Service is normally held on the fourth Sunday of the month and we use gluten-free bread.

Please note, we have a joint service with Peasley Cross URC occasionally - see News Bulletin for details.

We also welcome you to our monthly Messy Church for all ages - from 3.00-5.00pm - See News page for dates and info.                      Contact Marian:

Regular Events

Once a month we welcome you to our Coffee Afternoon -Second Tuesday of the month from 2.00-4.00pm.

We have a quarterly Service of Prayer for Healing on a Wednesday morning, starting at 11.00am; church open for quiet prayer from 10.30am. See our News Bulletin for the next date. Please email the Minister if you have any prayer requests.

Minister: Rev Diane Barrow.  Email:

Weekly meetings:

Monday 1.30-3.30pm  - U3A Mixed Singing Group

Tuesday 5.30-6.30pm - Squirrels and Beavers

                6.00-7.15pm - Cubs

Thursday 9.00am-12.00pm - Slimming World

                  6.00pm-8.00pm - Slimming World

Hall Bookings considered - email:

News Bulletin

July 2024

Thursday 4th                     - General election - our church will be a                                                polling station

Tuesday 9th, 2-4pm         -  Coffee Afternoon                                         

Sunday 14th, 3.00pm       - Messy Church

Tues 23rd-Fri 26th            - Sadly, the Summer Holiday Club planned                                                 for this week has had to be cancelled, but                                               there will be a Children's Fun Day on 29th                                              October. Look out for more details nearer                                               the time!                                  

August 2024

Tuesday 13th                     - Outing instead of Coffee afternoon

Wednesday 14th, 11am     - Service of Prayer for Healing (the church                                          will be open for quiet prayer from 10.30am)

Sunday 18th, 10.30am      - Our service will include the Sacrament of                                                Baptism

Messy Church will be back again on 15th September. See the News Page for more details.                                                       

We belong to the St Helens Network of URC churches:

Facebook - St Helens URC Network

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